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RailYatri National Train Delay Index Summary - Aug 2023
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Quick overview on train delay across india in Aug 2023
RailYatri Smart ETA Prediction
Using Machine Learning based maths, our algorithms predict when a train would reach on its en route station/s.And we have found that our algorithms predict nearly 100% better in 95% cases. Check out some of the best ETAs we told our users yesterday.
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Q) What is Live Train Running Status?
A) Live train running status for Indian railway trains means the current location of any train and its real time delay status. It also includes estimated arrival time of the train at upcoming stops.
Q) How can we check Live Train Status on RailYatri?
A) RailYatri started this easy-to-use app feature to simplify train travel for all its users. Now train status can be checked on the go via RailYatri mobile app or to know the current location of the train and its delay status. Check train status through any modern day Internet-powered devices. If you are on a train you can also check live train status being offline by switching to GPS mode for fetching live train status. RailYatri recommends its users to use GPS mode while travelling on train for faster and more precise location.
Q) What is the source for Live Train Status for RailYatri?
A) In general, RailYatri is a full-stack information and booking platform. Specifically, on running train status, RailYatri has the most frequent and real-time updates of train location. RailYatri collects train location data in a crowd-sourced manner from the GPS or Cell-Tower network of mobile phones of its users. Thus this data is more precise and real-time. We recommend our users to use the RailYatri app which also works offline if the user is enroute journey. In summary, RailYatri's source of data is crowdsourced status shared by users who are on the train.
Q) What is offline Live Train Status? How does it work?
A) Offline live train status means that no internet connection is required to find the live train status and ETA of train at the upcoming station. This needs the one-time download of the time table or the route on the user's phone. Post that if the user is on a train then he can find the exact location of the train and track the ETA in offline mode as well. This feature is very useful since railway tracks do not always have full network coverage. Hence, we recommend our users to use the RailYatri app for hassle-free travel.
Q) How is RailYatri's Live Train Status updates more accurate than the traditional Indian railway model?
A) The running status updates on mobile provided by RailYatri app are much more accurate as it is derived from mobile GPS or Cell-tower of the devices shared by our users. The traditional Indian railway model for train running status depends on the updates from the last stop, which is delayed and prone to manual errors.
Q) Why do users need to check current train running status frequently on the date of the journey?
A) It is critical to save on time while waiting to board your train or booking a taxi when you reach your destination. Train running status updates every minute. So, we recommend that our users check the status updates from time to time. The train running status information becomes more and more accurate, as the train is about to reach the estimated time of travel. This information helps you save time and plan better!
Q) How is delay or on-time information calculated for a running train?
A) Indian Railways measures the delay or on-time information of a train, basis estimated time of arrival(ETA) at the next stop. We follow the same analogy. So as an example if you see that a train is running late by 30 minutes at RailYatri, it means that the train is estimated to reach delayed by 30 minutes on its next arriving station. However, it can cover up this delay on the remainder of stations. Thus, we recommend our users to look at the estimated time of arrival(ETA) at all upcoming stops and also to check train running status from time to time.
Q) What is ETA according to the Indian railway? How does RailYatri calculate ETA?
A) ETA is an Estimated Time of Arrival of a train at upcoming stations. RailYatri has the best ETA prediction as compared to any other website or application. RailYatri uses machine learning algorithms to predict the ETA-based on the historical running patterns associated with the train. Trains do recover time too. So the train delay at the upcoming stoppages may be less than what has been reported from the last station. We recommend you to plan accordingly using the Railyatri App